For three weeks in April/May 2009 four intrepid adventurers will embark on a Rotary sponsored GSE (Group Study Exchange) from Sydney Australia to Arizona in the USA. So without any further ado, let the blogging begin....

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Taking the Plunge

Hi (or in this case I guess I should say 'G'day'),

As Leader of the 2009 Australian (District 9680) Rotary Wheelchair GSE Team to Arizona (District 5490) I have the onerous task of writing the Team's first blog post!

We're about three weeks away from take off and our preparations are going well. Ainslie has been working hard organising gifts and getting our Team brochure printed, Denise is our resident style (i.e. uniform) guru and chief financier and Andrew is our team counsellor/techie (or should that be Trekkie?). He also came up with the groovy name for the blog : )

We hope that you'll follow our journey to the US via this blog and also through Twitter at

I'm a member of the Crows Nest Rotary Club and I own my own communications consultancy called handykapp. When I'm not teaching computer classes or writing magazine articles I'm studying for a Master of Education (Adult Education) at the University of Technology, Sydney.

I enjoy reading, cooking, watching films and DVDs and spending time with friends. I also like art, history, music and languages.

I'm hoping that the GSE will help me to get a better understanding of how Adult and Community Education operates in the US. It will also be fascinating to finally visit a country that I see so much of on TV!

Now I'll hand it over to Ainslie, Andrew and Denise to introduce themselves...


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